Generating a speckle tracking dataset#

You can simulate one-dimensional speckle tracking scan either using Python interface or Terminal.

Python interface#

Experimental parameters#

Before performing the simulation, you need to choose the experimental parameters. You can do it with pyrost.simulation.STParams. The st_sim library has built-in default parameters, which can be accessed with pyrost.simulation.STParams.import_default().


Full list of experimental parameters is written in Simulation parameters. All the spatial parameters are assumed to be in microns.

>>> import pyrost.simulation as st_sim
>>> params = st_sim.STParams.import_default()
>>> params = params.replace(bar_size=0.7, bar_sigma=0.12, bar_atn=0.18,
>>>                         bulk_atn=0.2, p0=5e4, th_s=8e-5, n_frames=100,
>>>                         offset=2.0, step_size=0.1, defocus=150, alpha=0.05,
>>>                         ab_cnt=0.7, bar_rnd=0.8)

Performing the simulation#

Now you’re able to generate the simulated data. It takes time to calculate the wavefronts, pyrost.simulation.STSim will post its status during the process. You can either generate a stack of frames or a ptychograph. pyrost.simulation.STConverter generates all the data attributes necessary for the speckle tracking reconstruction. Also, it provides an interface to save the generated attributes to a CXI file with method.

>>> sim_obj = st_sim.STSim(params)
>>> ptych = sim_obj.ptychograph()
>>> st_conv = st_sim.STConverter(sim_obj, ptych)
>>>'sim.cxi', mode='overwrite') 

>>> fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(14, 6)) 
>>> ax.imshow(ptych[:, 0, 500:1480]) 
>>> ax.set_title('Ptychograph', fontsize=20) 
>>> ax.tick_params(labelsize=15) 

Or you can save the simulated data and generate a pyrost.STData data container with pyrost.simulation.STConverter() method.


pyrost.simulation.STConverter() returns a pyrost.STData container without any attributes already loaded, use pyrost.STData.load() to load the data from the file.

>>> sim_obj = st_sim.STSim(params)
>>> ptych = sim_obj.ptychograph()
>>> st_conv = st_sim.STConverter(sim_obj, ptych)
>>> data = st_conv.export_data('sim.cxi')
>>> data = data.load()

Command-line interface#

You can perform the whole simulation procedure with one command python -m pyrost.simulation. To see all available arguments just type python -m pyrost.simulation --help.

$ python -m pyrost.simulation --help
usage: [-h] [-f INI_FILE] [--defocus DEFOCUS]
                   [--det_dist DET_DIST] [--step_size STEP_SIZE]
                   [--step_rnd STEP_RND] [--n_frames N_FRAMES]
                   [--detx_size DETX_SIZE] [--dety_size DETY_SIZE] [--p0 P0]
                   [--wl WL] [--th_s TH_S] [--ap_x AP_X] [--ap_y AP_Y]
                   [--focus FOCUS] [--alpha ALPHA] [--ab_cnt AB_CNT]
                   [--bar_size BAR_SIZE] [--bar_sigma BAR_SIGMA]
                   [--bar_atn BAR_ATN] [--bulk_atn BULK_ATN]
                   [--bar_rnd BAR_RND] [--offset OFFSET] [-p]

Run Speckle Tracking simulation

positional arguments:
  out_path              Output folder path

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -f INI_FILE, --ini_file INI_FILE
                        Path to an INI file to fetch all of the simulation
                        parameters (default: None)
  --defocus DEFOCUS     Lens defocus distance, [um] (default: 100.0)
  --det_dist DET_DIST   Distance between the barcode and the detector [um]
                        (default: 2000000.0)
  --step_size STEP_SIZE
                        Scan step size [um] (default: 0.1)
  --step_rnd STEP_RND   Random deviation of sample translations [0.0 - 1.0]
                        (default: 0.2)
  --n_frames N_FRAMES   Number of frames (default: 300)
  --detx_size DETX_SIZE
                        horizontal axis frames size in pixels (default: 2000)
  --dety_size DETY_SIZE
                        vertical axis frames size in pixels (default: 1000)
  --p0 P0               Source beam flux [cnt / s] (default: 200000.0)
  --wl WL               Wavelength [um] (default: 7.29e-05)
  --th_s TH_S           Source rocking curve width [rad] (default: 0.0002)
  --ap_x AP_X           Lens size along the x axis [um] (default: 40.0)
  --ap_y AP_Y           Lens size along the y axis [um] (default: 2.0)
  --focus FOCUS         Focal distance [um] (default: 1500.0)
  --alpha ALPHA         Third order aberrations [rad/mrad^3] (default: -0.05)
  --ab_cnt AB_CNT       Lens' aberrations center point [0.0 - 1.0] (default:
  --bar_size BAR_SIZE   Average bar size [um] (default: 0.5)
  --bar_sigma BAR_SIGMA
                        Bar haziness width [um] (default: 0.12)
  --bar_atn BAR_ATN     Bar attenuation (default: 0.15)
  --bulk_atn BULK_ATN   Bulk attenuation (default: 0.15)
  --bar_rnd BAR_RND     Bar random deviation (default: 0.9)
  --offset OFFSET       Sample's offset at the beginning and the end of the
                        scan [um] (default: 0.0)
  -p, --ptych           Generate ptychograph data (default: False)

$ python -m pyrost.simulation sim.cxi --bar_size 0.7 --bar_sigma 0.12 \
--bar_atn 0.18 --bulk_atn 0.2 --p0 5e4 --th_s 8e-5 --n_frames 200 --offset 2 \
--step_size 0.1 --defocus 150 --alpha 0.05 --ab_cnt 0.7 --bar_rnd 0.8 -p
The simulation results have been saved to sim.cxi

As you can see below, the simulated Speckle Tracking scan was saved to a CXI file.

$ h5ls -r sim.cxi
/                        Group
/entry                   Group
/entry/data              Group
/entry/data/data         Dataset {200/Inf, 1, 985}
/entry/instrument        Group
/entry/instrument/detector Group
/entry/instrument/detector/distance Dataset {SCALAR}
/entry/instrument/detector/x_pixel_size Dataset {SCALAR}
/entry/instrument/detector/y_pixel_size Dataset {SCALAR}
/entry/instrument/source Group
/entry/instrument/source/wavelength Dataset {SCALAR}
/speckle_tracking        Group
/speckle_tracking/basis_vectors Dataset {200/Inf, 2, 3}
/speckle_tracking/defocus_x Dataset {SCALAR}
/speckle_tracking/defocus_y Dataset {SCALAR}
/speckle_tracking/mask   Dataset {200/Inf, 1, 985}
/speckle_tracking/pixel_translations Dataset {200/Inf, 2}
/speckle_tracking/translations Dataset {200/Inf, 3}
/speckle_tracking/whitefield Dataset {1, 985}