Working with CXI files#


CXI protocol (pyrost.CXIProtocol) is a helper class for a pyrost.STData data container, which tells it where to look for the necessary data fields in a CXI file. The class is fully customizable so you can tailor it to your particular data structure of CXI file. The protocol consists of the following parts for each data attribute (data, whitefield, etc.):

  • datatypes : Data type (float, int, uint, or bool) of the given attribute.

  • load_paths : List of paths inside a HDF5 file, where the given data attribute may be saved.

  • kinds : The attribute’s kind, that specifies data dimensionality. This information is required to know how to load, save and process the data. The attribute may be one of the four following kinds:

    • scalar : Data is either 0D, 1D, or 2D. The data is saved and loaded plainly without any transforms or indexing.

    • sequence : A time sequence array. Data is either 1D, 2D, or 3D. The data is indexed, so the first dimension of the data array must be a time dimension. The data points for the given index are not transformed.

    • frame : Frame array. Data must be 2D, it may be transformed with any of pyrost.Transform objects. The data shape is identical to the detector pixel grid.

    • stack : A time sequence of frame arrays. The data must be 3D. It’s indexed in the same way as sequence attributes. Each frame array may be transformed with any of pyrost.Transform objects.


You can save protocol to an INI file with pyrost.CXIProtocol.to_ini() and import protocol from INI file with pyrost.CXIProtocol.import_ini().

The default protocol can be accessed with pyrost.CXIProtocol.import_default(). The protocol is given by:

basis_vectors = float
data = uint
defocus_x = float
defocus_y = float
distance = float
good_frames = uint
mask = bool
phase = float
pixel_aberrations = float
pixel_map = float
pixel_translations = float
reference_image = float
scale_map = float
translations = float
wavelength = float
whitefield = float
whitefields = float
x_pixel_size = float
y_pixel_size = float

basis_vectors = [/speckle_tracking/basis_vectors, /entry_1/instrument_1/detector_1/basis_vectors, /entry/instrument/detector/basis_vectors]
data = [/entry/data/data, /entry/instrument/detector/data, /entry_1/instrument_1/detector_1/data, /entry_1/data_1/data]
defocus_x = [/speckle_tracking/defocus_x, /speckle_tracking/defocus_fs, /speckle_tracking/defocus]
defocus_y = [/speckle_tracking/defocus_y, /speckle_tracking/defocus_ss]
distance = [/entry/instrument/detector/distance, /entry_1/instrument_1/detector_1/distance]
good_frames = [/speckle_tracking/good_frames, /frame_selector/good_frames, /process_3/good_frames]
mask = [/speckle_tracking/mask, /mask_maker/mask, /entry_1/instrument_1/detector_1/mask, /entry/instrument/detector/mask]
phase = [/speckle_tracking/phase,]
pixel_aberrations = [/speckle_tracking/pixel_aberrations,]
pixel_map = [/speckle_tracking/pixel_map,]
pixel_translations = [/speckle_tracking/pixel_translations,]
reference_image = [/speckle_tracking/reference_image,]
scale_map = [/speckle_tracking/scale_map,]
translations = [/speckle_tracking/translations, /entry_1/sample_1/geometry/translations, /entry/sample/geometry/translations, /entry_1/sample_1/geometry/translation, /pos_refine/translation, /entry_1/sample_3/geometry/translation]
wavelength = [/entry/instrument/source/wavelength, /entry_1/instrument_1/source_1/wavelength]
whitefield = [/speckle_tracking/whitefield, /process_1/whitefield, /make_whitefield/whitefield, /process_2/whitefield, /process_3/whitefield]
whitefields = [/speckle_tracking/whitefields, /speckle_tracking/flatfields]
x_pixel_size = [/entry/instrument/detector/x_pixel_size, /entry_1/instrument_1/detector_1/x_pixel_size]
y_pixel_size = [/entry/instrument/detector/y_pixel_size, /entry_1/instrument_1/detector_1/y_pixel_size]

basis_vectors = sequence
data = stack
defocus_x = scalar
defocus_y = scalar
distance = scalar
good_frames = sequence
mask = stack
phase = frame
pixel_aberrations = frame
pixel_map = frame
pixel_translations = sequence
reference_image = scalar
scale_map = frame
translations = sequence
wavelength = scalar
whitefield = frame
whitefields = stack
x_pixel_size = scalar
y_pixel_size = scalar


CXI file handler class (pyrost.CXIStore) accepts a set of paths to the files together with a protocol object. pyrost.CXIStore searches the files for any data attributes defined by the protocol. It provides an interface to load the data of the given attribute from the files (see pyrost.CXIStore.load_attribute()) and to save the data of the attribute to the first file in the set (see pyrost.CXIStore.save_attribute()). One can parse several files or a single one.

CXI protocol (pyrost.CXIProtocol) is a helper class for a pyrost.STData data container, which tells it where to look for the necessary data fields in a CXI file. The class is fully customizable so you can tailor it to your particular data structure of CXI file.


Generate the default built-in CXI protocol as follows:

>>> import pyrost as rst
>>> rst.CXIProtocol.import_default()
CXIProtocol(datatypes={...}, load_paths={...}, kinds={...})
